
  • Paola Russo Universidad de la República
  • Agustín Laguarda Universidad de la República
  • Gonzalo Abal Universidad de la República
  • Inti Piccioli Universidad de la República



Clear-sky models, solar irradiance, PAR


The broadband irradiances (GHI, DHI, DNI) and the photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) estimated by the REST2 clear sky model are evaluated against 1-minute high quality ground measurements for one site representative of the Pampa Húmeda region of southeastern South America. The MERRA-2 reanalysis database is used to provide the required atmospheric inputs for the model (water vapor, aerosol content, ozone). Our results show an acceptable performance for GHI, DNI and PAR but a high uncertainty in the estimated DHI.


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Biografia do Autor

Paola Russo, Universidad de la República

Laboratorio de Energía Solar, Universidad de la República, Uruguay


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Como Citar

Russo, P., Laguarda, A., Abal, G., & Piccioli, I. (2022). PERFORMANCE OF THE REST2 MODEL FOR 1-MINUTE CLEAR-SKY SOLAR IRRADIANCE WITH MERRA-2 ATMOSPHERIC INPUTS. Anais Congresso Brasileiro De Energia Solar - CBENS, 1–9.


