
  • Ernst Müller Universidad de Kassel



Energía Solar, Casas Solares, Diseño Pasivo, Simulación Térmica, Arquitectura Sustentable


The design of passive solar houses presents a promising strategy for the improvement of thermal comfort conditions in dwellings of the central region of Chile. This way it constitutes an important option for sustainable dwellings in the region. A main objective of this publication was to prepare detailed proposals for the design of houses with solar heating and passive refrigeration, which permit to optimize the complex design equilibrium between the conflicting demands of a mediterranean climate with its hot and dry summers and cold but sunny winters. The thermal behavior of a series of house models were calculated dynamically on an hourly basis with a thermal simulation program. The necessary climate data were prepared with an own methodology, as a Test Reference Year was not available for Chile. This way, as well different types of light constructions, brick and earth constructions, with and without thermal insulation, as conventional houses and alternative constructions with d ifferent passive climatization strategies for the hot and cool period were evaluated. The design recommendations from former publications were verified with thermal simulations of complete houses, considering a wider gamut of strategies for solar heating. It was possible to present proved passive design proposals with simple solutions and local materials of lower energy content and cost. This shows, that with an optimized design it's possible to improve significantly the thermal comfort conditions in economically accessible dwellings of the region. Finally, the challenges and possibilities for the dissemination of sustainable and solar architecture are discussed. The methodology and approach developed here are extendable to other regions and climate zones of Latin America. This way the investigation contributes to the improvement of thermal comfort and the application of solar energy in the housing sector as essential elements of a sustainable development process.


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Biografia do Autor

Ernst Müller, Universidad de Kassel

Universidad de Kassel (Alemania), Laboratorio de Construcción Experimental


MINVU Ministerio de Vivienda y Ur banismo 2000. Manual de Aplicación, Reglamentación Térmica, Ordenanza General de Urbanismo y Construcciones, Santiago, Chile.

Müller, E. 2001. Development of a Test Reference Year on a Limited Data Base for Simulations on Passive Heating and Cooling in Chile, Building Simulation - Seventh International IBPSA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Müller, E. 2002. Manual de diseño pa ra viviendas con climatización pasiva. Universidad de Kassel, Alemania. (disponible en formato electrónico por el autor)

Müller, E. 2006. Crucial Building Parameters as a Novel Approach for the Design of Passive Solar Houses in a Mediterranean Climate, PLEA 2006 - The 23rd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Geneva - Switzerland.

Müller, E. 2007. Estratégias para o Desenho de Casas Passivas e Sustentáveis numa Zona de Clima Mediterrâneo. IV Encontro Nacional e II Encontro Latino-americano sobre Edificações e Comunidades Sustentáveis, Campo Grande / MS - Brasil.

Müller, E. Román, R. 1996. Sistemas Solares Comunitarios para Calentamiento de Agua, Seminario Nacional y Congreso Internacional de Energías Renovables SENESE IX; Antofagasta - Chile.

Müller-Plantenberg, C. et. al. 2005. Solidarische Ökonomie in Brasilien und Deutschland - Wege zur konkreten Utopie, Internationale Sommerschule in Imshausen, Entwicklungsperspektiven Nr. 83/84, Kassel.

Norma Chilena NCh 1079.Of77, Zonificación climático - hab itacional para Chile y recomendaciones para el diseño arquitectónico, Santiago 1977.

Rosa D`Avila, Márcio 2006. Possibilidades de Implementação de Construção Não-Convencional em Cooperativas Habitacionais no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Dissertação apresentada ao Curso de Arquitetura, Urbanismo e Paisagismo da Universidade de Kassel como requisito para a obtenção do Título de Doutor.




