intelligent lighting, photovoltaic, ledResumo
A preliminary version for the foundations for the development of an intelligent and autonomous lighting (3 lights 10 W each, starting from a 12 V battery) is presented. They are ableto operate in offshore areas characterized by having very low night temperatures and very good levels of radiation. Efficiency is achieved through the use of a microcontrolled (in this case device Arduino Nano 3.0 was used). For this purpose an algorithm that controls the various subsystems involved developed. The system for use in small towns was designed without electrical service coverage and allow perimeter lighting, fences, roads, access, etc. It is noteworthy in the proposed use of the waste heat of the lights, which helps maintain the accumulator and control devices at a suitable temperature for operation. As a result, a minimum brightness is obtained during the hours of night start, increasing its level in the presence of a vehicle, person or object moving in road,
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