
  • Bruna Asunción Regalado Díaz Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental YACHAY
  • Lenin Andrés Guerrero León Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental YACHAY
  • Dolores Lastenia Parra Quisahuano Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental YACHAY
  • Graciela Marisa Salum Universidad de Investigación de Tecnología Experimental YACHAY



spectral solar irradiance, degradation, air temperature, relative humidity, AOD


The purpose of this study was to analyze parameters related to the degradation of polymers exposed to weather such as spectral solar irradiance, temperature, relative humidity and pollution for the cities of Urcuquí (Ecuador), Valencia (Venezuela) and Maracaibo (Venezuela) in 2014. To carry out this study used satellite data monthly such as ambient temperature, relative humidity, carbon dioxide and aerosols among others, obtained from databases (NASA SSE, Giovanni NASA) satellite and Observatory of Mauna Loa. We found that the city of Urcuquí has increased solar irradiance in all wavelength ranges, while the city of Maracaibo is the one with the highest temperature, but has lower solar irradiance. In terms of the content of particulate matter (aerosols) are the cities of Maracaibo and Valencia which have higher values, with a marked difference between April and the rest of the year. With the previous parameters you can analyze the atmosphere to consider the degradation of materials to sun exposure. Therefore, it would be convenient to develop a model that allows to link these parameters and the degradation of artificial polymers, as well as also the effect that have these on the skin that is exposed directly to the Sun.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Díaz , B. A. R., León , L. A. G., Quisahuano, D. L. P., & Salum , G. M. (2016). SOLAR SPECTRAL IRRADIANCE IN CITIES OF VENEZUELA AND ECUADOR. Anais Congresso Brasileiro De Energia Solar - CBENS, 1–6.


