
  • Nícolas de Assis Bose Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renováveis. Institute of Geosciences, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.
  • Jean Souza dos Reis Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renovávei
  • Vanessa de Almeidas Dantas Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renovávei
  • Ana Cleide Bezerra Amorim Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renovávei
  • Maria de Fátima Alves de Matos Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renovávei
  • Samira de Azevedo Santos Emiliavaca Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renovávei
  • Leonardo de Lima Oliveira Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renovávei
  • Luciano Andre Cruz Bezerra Instituto SENAI de Inovação em Energias Renovávei
  • Leandro Farina Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul



Atmosphere-wave Interaction, Numerical Model, Wave-induce Wind


This paper investigates the sensitivity of offshore wind simulations, focusing on the northeast coast of Brazil. The study utilizes the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport Modeling System (COAWST), integrating the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) and Simulating Waves Nearshore (SWAN) models. The research emphasizes the impact of wind-wave interaction on wind speed, considering factors such as atmospheric and ocean surface conditions. The methodology includes site selection, model overview, and validation techniques. Results indicate that the coupled atmosphere-wave model outperforms the stand-alone atmospheric model, showcasing enhanced accuracy in predicting wind speed. The paper discusses the significance of considering wave effects in offshore wind modeling and provides insights into the interplay between wind and waves, emphasizing the need for precise simulations in wind energy assessments.


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Biografia do Autor

Leandro Farina, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Institute of Geosciences.


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Como Citar

Bose, N. de A., Reis, J. S. dos, Dantas, V. de A., Amorim, A. C. B., Matos, M. de F. A. de, Emiliavaca, S. de A. S., Oliveira, L. de L., Bezerra, L. A. C., & Farina, L. (2024). ASSESSING WIND ACCURACY IN A COUPLET ATMOSPHERE-WAVE SYSTEM FOR THE NORTHEAST COAST OF BRAZIL. Anais Congresso Brasileiro De Energia Solar - CBENS.


