
  • Luis Antonio Brum do Nascimento Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná
  • Jean Marc Lafay Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná




Renewable Energie, Poultry Cutting, Sustainability, Poultry Dark House


he Brazilian poultry industry occupies a prominent position in the international market, Brazil stands out in this scenario as the largest exporter and third largest producer. The fact of the chicken protein behave as a commodity, requires investments in technology and management that can provide the maintenance and improvement of the profitability of the activity, when one considers the increasing competitiveness among players internationais.Os avian conditioned Dark House can be considered as a response to these demands by providing the investor a high density of poultry and optimized production costs. The profitability and maintaining environmental comfort parameters of birds provided by these poultry houses, on the other hand, require significant amounts of energy. Energy conservation and sustainability of the activity can be increased by the use of hybrid integrated systems to local and renewable energy, yet justified by the existence of these rural sites, a network of rural electric and a diesel generator, providing the reliability and optimization in design criteria of the system investigated, when considering the possibility of lack of supply by renewable sources. The technical and economic feasibility of conversion devices, requires an efficiency improvement in end-use equipment and the existing built environment, justified by the consumption of poultry and poor insulation. The strategy of improvements considered, among others: the replacement of incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent dimmable with gains of up to 70% reduction in electricity consumption for lighting system, pre passive solar heating of air insufflation by the effect of thermal inertia of all roof / ceiling associated with improvements in the coefficient of thermal resistance of the roof, sides and eight. The reduction in heat energy consumption expected, can be up to 50%, with higher values in summer. This set of measures has enabled the simulation of a wind turbine, scaled by a factor of average demand load of poultry throughout the year, and investigated the use of solar heaters, which indirectly aided by a wood burning furnace, can contribute to with reducing the consumption of thermal energy of poultry shed. The financial analysis of these measures should help decision makers about the feasibility and impact on production costs of poultry conditioned Dark House when equipped with hybrid integrated systems to local renewable sources.


Author Biographies

Luis Antonio Brum do Nascimento, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica

Jean Marc Lafay, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná

Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica


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How to Cite

Nascimento, L. A. B. do, & Lafay, J. M. (2010). O USO DE FONTES RENOVÁVEIS NA AVICULTURA DE CORTE: SUSTENTABILIDADE DE UM AVIÁRIO DARK HOUSE. Anais Congresso Brasileiro De Energia Solar - CBENS. https://doi.org/10.59627/cbens.2010.1693


