Solar Energy, Solar Tracking, Photovoltaic SystemsAbstract
One of the technical restrictions on the dissemination of solar projects is the low efficiency of photovoltaic systems, which promotes a search for alternatives to maximize the use of solar irradiation in these systems. Among these alternatives is the use of solar tracking, which causes the solar capture surface to face the sun, following its movement and thereby capturing more irradiation. Thus, in the present work, using solar irradiation data on the horizontal plane measured by a pyranometer installed at the Alternative Energy Laboratory (LEA) of the Federal University of Ceará (UFC) in Fortaleza/CE, an estimate is made of the irradiation values that would be collected by a fixed surface with a certain inclination to the horizontal and a surface with the same inclination and with solar tracking from east to west, both in the same location. The results show that with the use of solar tracking a gain in solar radiation captured of 8.2% is obtained on annual average, reaching a maximal value of 12.7% on monthly average.
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